Telluride YPO

Empowering visionary executives through a shared passion for YPO, outdoor adventures, and the community of Telluride.
Together we strive to cultivate excellence and foster meaningful connections.

YPO Membership
What is YPO, Young Presidents Organization

YPO (Young Presidents’ Organization) connects successful young chief executives in a global network of peers unlike any other. The organization unites approximately 29,000 business leaders in more than 142 countries around a shared mission: Better Leaders Through Education and Idea Exchange.

YPO Membership Qualifications

Age:   Must be under the age of 45
Title:  Must hold the top position of a qualifying company or division; President, Chair of the Board, CEO, Managing Director, or Managing Partner. Must be directly responsible for all operations of a company that fulfills minimum size and complexity criteria.
Employee Count: Either 50 employees OR 15 employees AND a payroll over $2.5 million.
The candidate must meet either requirement A or B.
Requirement A:The corporation must meet dollar volume requirements based on the type of corporation they run, as follows: Sales/Service/Manufacturing corporations must have at least USD15,000,000 in gross annual sales or turnovers. Financial institutions must have average annual assets of at least USD300,000,000. Agency-type businesses must have annual fees or commissions billed of at least USD12,000,000.
Requirement B:The corporation must have an enterprise value of USD25,000,000. Enterprise value of $25,000,000+ USD.

For more information, reach out to our Membership Officer, Ryan Moul

Start the process by completing the YPOI application
Only in YPO Experiences

Winter Couples Event
Winter White Cannabis Dinner, Telluride, CO

Family Event
Amazing Race - Hikers made it to Columbine Lake!

President's Retreat
YPO’ers in Telluride, CO

Inside the Boardroom
with Telluride Blues & Brews Founder Steve Gumbell

Contact Us

Submit the information below and our chapter manager will contact you within 48 hours.