Empowering visionary executives through a shared passion for YPO, outdoor adventures, and the community of Telluride.
Together we strive to cultivate excellence and foster meaningful connections.
Age: Must be under the age of 45
Title: Must hold the top position of a qualifying company or division; President, Chair of the Board, CEO, Managing Director, or Managing Partner.
Must be directly responsible for all operations of a company that fulfills minimum size and complexity criteria.
Employee Count: Either 50 employees OR 15 employees AND a payroll over $2.5 million.
The candidate must meet either requirement A or B.
Requirement A:The corporation must meet dollar volume requirements based on the type of corporation they run, as follows: Sales/Service/Manufacturing corporations must have at least USD15,000,000 in gross annual sales or turnovers. Financial institutions must have average annual assets of at least USD300,000,000. Agency-type businesses must have annual fees or commissions billed of at least USD12,000,000.
Requirement B:The corporation must have an enterprise value of USD25,000,000.
Enterprise value of $25,000,000+ USD.
For more information, reach out to our Membership Officer, Ryan Moul